"Squarespace-Like" is a light-on-dark .seestyle theme for the Panic Coda text editor

Having used (and loved) the Squarespace "light-on-dark" Custom CSS editor ever since "The Great Style Revival" of 2011, I thought it was about time to create a Coda .seestyle theme to import into the fantastic desktop editor. It's now a little easier on the eyes, when working between local code and the Squarespace-hosted editor.
A few attributes are coded differently between the two platforms, but to me, it's close-enough. Note: if some color variances irk you, give me a shout and together we'll create a new version.
The "Squarespace-Like" theme mentioned and linked here isn't a product of Squarespace. "Squarespace-Like" .seestyle theme is for use on Panic Coda 1.6.11 or higher. Use at your own risk.
So, what's a .seestyle theme?
Coda let's you import color sets from an XML file with the extension .seestyle on a per-language basis. To install this theme you'll need to:
- Download the ZIP file.
- Unzip the file.
- Open Coda and pull the Coda menu down to Preferences then navigate to the Colors tab.
- (important) Select "CSS" from the language list on the left.
- Click the Import button and import the .seestyle file.
- The foreground, background and invisible character color must be manually changed.
Background, Foreground and Invisible Character Color Values
Background Color - #222222, in RGB this is 34R, 34G, 34B
Foreground Color - #59BCB5, in RGB this is 89R, 188G, 181B
Invisible Character Color - #333333, in RGB this is 51R, 51G, 51B

This theme will not work on Coda 2. Apparently there's a new format in-place.
Alan Houser is the founder of Squareflair, a Web Design studio located in Indianapolis, Indiana who is 100% focused on building Squarespace sites. Alan is an experienced Web Designer with over 12 years of experience with User Experience Design and Front-End Development. Follow Alan on Google+, Twitter, Dribbble and LinkedIn.