Creating a Squarespace Login Template - The Easy Way

I've seen this question come-up on the Squarespace forums in the past— the need exists where people want to have a unique login template for their site.
Well, it's cake. It just takes a little juggling knowledge.
404 Error Pages
This same technique applies for your Squarespace 404 Error page (the page a visitor sees when a "page isn't found" because of a broken link). The difference is— the Login & Error pages have no "Page ID", so it's not really that easy to add a special design for 404 error pages. (like these)
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Alan Houser is the founder of Squareflair, a Web Design studio located in Indianapolis, Indiana who is 100% focused on building Squarespace sites. Alan is an experienced Web Designer with over 12 years of experience with User Experience Design and Front-End Development. Follow Alan on Google+, Twitter, Dribbble and LinkedIn.
Alan Houser is the founder of Squareflair, a Web Design studio located in Indianapolis, Indiana who is 100% focused on building Squarespace sites. Alan is an experienced Web Designer with over 12 years of experience with User Experience Design and Front-End Development. Follow Alan on Google+, Twitter, Dribbble and LinkedIn.
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Squarespace Version 5
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