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Palmer Trinity School - "The Falconer" Redesign

We just launched a website redesign for "The Falconer" —The Online Student Publication of Palmer Trinity School. It's great to read about instant success and praise!

With more than 2,000 views in just over 48 hours, the redesigned Falconer, which launched yesterday morning, smashed its previous number of recorded visits over the same period.

The Falconer, Palmer Trinity School’s online student newspaper, has been under reconstruction since August, and, according to Journalism Advisor Dave Cutler, “was in serious need of an overhaul.”

The new web site is much more user-friendly and aesthetically appealing. It also has fresher, higher quality content.

“It’s much more accessible and streamlined,” Editor-in-Chief Preston Michelson ’13 said. “I really think it will attract new viewers and encourage frequent visits.”

Source: Redesigned Falconer Surpasses 2,500 Hits In 48-Hours by JORDAN FIGUEREDO at The Online Student Pub of Palmer Trinity School on October 16, 2012

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