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Entries in Squarespace Version 6 (12)


"Slideshows" Added to Squarespace!

This is fantastic news!

It's now easy to add a slideshow, based on an existing image gallery.

More info on the Squarespace Blog.


Introducing Squarespace Version 6

It's true! Squarespace is busy cooking-up the next version of the platform, and from what little I know about it, it's going to be amazing. 

I've already been fielding client questions— including the following:

  • Will our current site work in V6? (also Will our site break when V6 launches?)
  • What are the features in V6?
  • When will V6 launch?

For now, I can answer only the first question. I'm going to say without hesitation— YES. When Version 6 launches, your original site built on Version 5 will still work, and you will be able to still maintain it. 

The rest of the answers at this time are a mystery, but believe me when I tell you, I'm battling on the frontline of the platform. As soon as I learn what's in Squarespace's future, I will be here to help you through it.

In the Meantime...

Stay connected with our Squarespace podcast: Visit and subscribe to the show. On our latest episode, "Squarespace V6 Introduced: Episode 102", we shared everything we know about Version 6.

Stay up-to-date with the Squarespace blog at, and read the official update on V6 "An Introduction to Squarespace V6"

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