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Entries in Podcast (8)


I was a guest on the MediaDrift podcast and all I got was this t-shirt.

Thanks to Anton Peck for letting me share what it's like to live in a barn, to design Squarespace sites and to dream about someday getting to start any of the hundreds of projects on my back-burner.

I had a blast prattling-on so.

Listen over at


Content Structure & Style - Season Three

We've relaunched our Squarespace podcast! This season, we're using Google Hangout so you can get a good look at our faces, so maybe it's less-podcast'y and more-embarrasing'y.

Streamed live on Apr 18, 2013

Your three favorite Squarespace fans are back with a brand new invention and the season three premiere of Content, Structure & Style, a video podcast dedicated to the Squarespace web publishing platform.

In this episode we heard what Alan Houser , Brandon Davenport, and Josh Braaten have been up to since season two of the unofficial Squarespace podcast, explored what's new in the world of Squarespace, and started to dive into a hands-on migration for from Squarespace v5 to Squarespace 6.

This video was originally broadcasted via Google+ Hangout on Air at 7:00 p.m. CDT (8:00 p.m. EDT, 5:00 p.m. PDT) on April 18, 2013.


Podcast as a Marketing Tool - Featuring... Me!

I was thrilled to be a guest on Roundpeg's "More Than a Few Words" podcast to talk about my experience with podcast production. It was lots of fun, and quite interesting to be on "this side" of the microphone.

Listen to MTFW's "Podcast as a Marketing Tool" →

More than a Few Words is a half hour program for small business owners featuring interviews and open discussions about marketing, social media, web design, and networking. Guests include a mix of experts who share tips, strategies and real world examples and business owners who speak from a "been there, done that" perspective. 

Visit Roundpeg and tell them we said hello!


Squarespace Version 6 - Podcast Episode 202

In our latest podcast episode on Content, Structure & Style we discuss Squarespace version 6 news and share what each of us are looking-forward to most on the new platform.

Visit the podcast site to listen and subscribe.

Also covered in the episode:

- Squarespace 6 News

- Ecommerce questions from Africa

- The best structure for a Squarespace site

- How to become a Squarespace Designer/Developer



SOPA, Squarespace and You

After a short break, our award-winning* podcast "Content, Structure & Style —an Unofficial Squarespace Podcast" is back with a new season. 

In our latest episode, we talk about Squarespace and Online Piracy, so don't miss it!.

Listen to Episode 201 over at